Saturday, 1 December 2007

Annual accounting

Number of times that I've been born: 1. Number of my parents first landline in Iran: 21 85 9710. Number of shoes that I’ve bought this year: 3. Number of eggs that I’ve eaten in this year: 195. Number of times that I’ve hugged a baby in this year: 26. Number of houses that I’ve lived more than a week this year: 4. Number of nights that I’ve slept properly this year: 214. Number of the words that I’ve written this year: related to my research: 30456 unrelated to my research: 89932. Number of times that I’ve had sex this year: 15. Number of times that I’ve been really angry of myself in this year: 3. Number of times that I’ve been kind of angry of myself in this year: 145. Number of times that I’ve smiled to someone: 961. Number of times that I’ve received a smile: 789. Number of times that I’ve been in Toilet: 1460. Number of times that I’ve lied to people this year: Important stuff: 3. silly stuff: 387. Number of times that I’ve decided to do something really important and I have done it in this year: 2. I haven’t done: 4. Number of conferences that I’ve attended: 1. Number of conferences that I should have attended but haven’t: 2. Number of flies that I’ve killed this year: 75. Number of times that I’ve remembered something: 69754. Number of the times that I’ve forgotten something: 3675. Number of times that I’ve forgotten the name of my boss: 13. Number of times that I’ve stayed in the office till morning: 12. Number of times that I’ve laughed at people: 256. Number of times that I made other people laugh: 452. Number of times that I’ve said to myself “that’s enough”: 26. Number of housemates that I’ve had during this year: 17. Number of emails that I’ve received: Yahoo account: 2532. University account: 789. Number of emails that I’ve sent from both accounts: 635. Number of people that I’ve loved in this year: 1. Number of people that I’ve hated in this year: 2. Number of times that I’ve stayed in bed for the whole day: 2. Number of times that I’ve argued with my dad: face to face: 0. on the phone: 0. in my dream: 1. Number of times that I’ve forgiven someone: 31. Number of times that someone has forgiven me: 19. Number of books that I’ve read this year: related to my research: 1. Unrelated to my research: 26. Number of times that I’ve cancelled a meeting: 6. Number of times that I’ve heard “I love you”: 0. Number of times that I’ve told someone “I love you”: 1. Number of times that I’ve been in GYM: 49. Number of papers that I’ve published this year: 1. Number of papers that I’ve not published: 3. Number of hair that I’ve lost this year: 8593. Number of times that I’ve wanted to shout and I did: 4. I didn't: 26. Number of times that I met my second boss: 5. Number of kisses that I’ve given in this year: 658. I’ve received: 472. Number of cigarettes that I’ve smoked: 6935. Number of times that I’ve cried seriously: 2. Number of times that I’ve made someone cry (serious/unserious): 2. Number of gifts that I’ve bought for people in this year: 28. I’ve received: 19. Number of beers that I’ve drunk in this year: 452. Number of times that I’ve been really happy of myself: 2. A bit happy: 134. Number of dates that I’ve had: 3. Number of times that I’ve chassed a girl: 2. Number of times that a girl has chassed me: 1. Number of times that I’ve had Déjà vu: 15. Nightmares: 9. Number of times that I’ve felt really guilty: 5. Number of times that I’ve been really disappointed: 8. Number of times that I’ve taken sleeping pills: 1. Number of times that I’ve been really drunk: 7. Number of times that I’ve had breakdown: 1. Number of times that I’ve put a key into an electric socket: 1. Number of the times that I’ve died: 0.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok , we get ur message !